In partnership with the Hook Norton Community Land Trust (HNCLT), Greencore is building a new community centre and 12 Climate Positive homes with architects Charlie Luxton Design in Hook Norton, Oxfordshire.
The site benefits from a smart grid installed by SNRG with solar PV, a 100KWh battery and EV car chargers. The solar PV on the roofs of the homes, community centre, and the nearby sports club, is fed into a smart grid on site. Any excess electricity that is generated is stored in the battery. This smart grid helps to make the most efficient and local use of the energy produced, so that more of the site-generated energy can supply the homes, rather than be exported to the national grid. The total renewable energy generated is targeted to deliver a Net Zero energy balance. The scheme will also have low carbon travel through an electric car club with EV charging points provided on site.
As well as the homes, a community space is being built for use by the wider community and also includes a guest room. This will help residents who are wanting to ‘right size’ into more suitable housing, giving extra space for families and friends to visit.
HNCLT are providing an opportunity for local ethical investors to become shareholders in the project through a ‘Community Share Offer’, see more information here. The homes comprise of 2 x one bedroom houses, 4 x two bedroom apartments and 2 x three bedroom houses for affordable rent and 4 x two bedroom apartments for private sale. The homes will be kept affordable in perpetuity and will not be sold on the open market. The affordable homes will be passed to local housing association, Soha Housing for management under a long lease. Affordable homes will be prioritised for people with a local connection to Hook Norton. If none from Hook Norton take up a home it be offered to people with a local connection to the local, surrounding areas.