We are thrilled to announce that we’ve installed 10, zappi chargers into our head office in Bicester. Theses are all 3-phase chargers made by the British company, myenergi who also supplied us the chargers for our electric car club at Springfield Meadows. The zappi was the world’s first solar-compatible EV charger and is the market-leader when it comes to EV chargers that can maximise the use of renewable electricity.
To encourage our team to move into electric vehicles (EVs), we are letting them charge their cars for free at work and our plan is to install enough PVs to generate all of our own electricity.
We have also joined the Octopus Electric Vehicles salary sacrifice scheme to make it more affordable and easier for the team to get an EV and encouragingly, more than a third of Greencore’s workforce are now either driving an EV or have one on order.
Have a look at the video below made by Richard Boullemier at Generate Media and let us know in the comments what you think.
Thanks to Eli Stan and his team at E S Electrical(Midlands) Ltd for the quick and efficient installation.