Bromham Design & Access Statement

Executive Summary
This Design and Access Statement has been prepared by Pollard Thomas Edwards (PTE) on behalf of Greencore Homes (GCH) and Bromham Park Estate (BPE), ‘the Applicant’, and accompanies an application that seeks Full Planning Approval for the delivery of 30 new homes and Estate Building at the The Old Stable Yard (‘the site’), located on Lower Farm Road, Bromham, Bedford, MK43 8JB. The submission is being made jointly by Greencore Homes and Bromham Park Estate, the latter of which is the current landowner of the site.

The site occupies approximately 1.6 ha. and sits to the northeast of Bromham village. The land offers an opportunity to provide much-needed housing (Use Class C3(a)), 30% of which will be affordable, as well as an Estate Building to help support the Bromham Park Estate in its role as landowner and manager of the wider estate.

Bromham Park Estate currently own all land covered by this application. There are a number of existing agricultural buildings on the site as well as a residential farmhouse. GCH is set to provide residential buildings ranging from 1 to 2 storeys in height and all associated car parking, cycle parking, open space and public realm.

GCH have partnered with PTE and a team of consultants to prepare a full planning application for the site. This document has been prepared to explain the strategic thinking behind proposals and describe the design process and its evolution. It should be read in conjunction with ‘The Old Stable Yard, Bromham Park Estate, Benchmark Document, December 2022’ (PTE, December 2022), which set the objectives and design ambition for the site relevant to this application.

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